We have seen a slight increase in this fungus over the
past few years. Many homeowners seem amused by the name
and think it is some sort of joke. However if you have
ever had artillery fungus on your siding you know how
difficult it is to remove. Artillery Fungus (aka
"Shotgun" Fungus) appears as tiny black specks with a
"head," as we like to call it.
It originates from organic mulches and literally shoots
itself at 1/10,000 of a horsepower, attaching itself to
vinyl, wood, windows, trim, downspouts, your car, or
anything else in its path.
If you are the unfortunate homeowner who has had this
occur your power washing job will be slightly more
expensive. Unfortunately, our cleaning methods can only
remove a minimal amount of artillery fungus. There is no
known method currently available to remove artillery
fungus 100%. We do recommend as an initial step that you
immediately remove the mulch to prevent further damage
to your home.
Give us
a call if you have
any questions.
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