Environmental Truck Washing
On-Site Truck Washing Services
Since 1981, Trans-Clean Corporation has been providing
on site mobile fleet washing services for numerous local
and national truck fleet operators. At Trans-Clean, we
pride ourselves on being the best the industry has to
offer when it comes to the on site cleaning of vehicle
fleets. Our turnkey system and state of the art
technology allow us to guarantee our customers that
their vehicle fleets will be cleaned and looking their
best in a timely, effective and environmentally safe
manner. The versatility of our system allows us to clean
any size vehicle or piece of equipment anywhere.

With the increased presence of environmental monitoring
of Connecticut's' and New York�s waters, by Federal,
State, and local authorities, vehicle wash water runoff,
if not contained and collected, will run into nearby
storm drains, and then into nearby streams contaminating
our water. At Trans-Clean we have the solution to
protect our environment from vehicle wash water run off.
*Section 22a-430 of the Connecticut General Statutes
requires that no person may initiate a discharge to the
waters of the state without first obtaining a permit.
Therefore, anyone who initiate�s such a discharge must
apply for a permit. The state will not allow permits for
untreated discharges of cleaning wastewater to surface
streams, the ground surface, or storm drains. Should you
currently be employing such a method of disposal you
should immediately terminate your activities and find an
alternative, acceptable means of disposal. Should we
determine that any person is practicing such disposal
methods we will institute appropriate legal actions for
fines and /or imprisonment.
See our complete Connecticut State Statutes information
page here.
Wash Water Recovery Service -
D.E.P. approved methods of containing vehicle wash water:
The wash mat system is a polyester reinforced,
vinyl-coated mat that vehicles drive on to containing
the wash water. Our drive on burms keep the wash water
safely on the mat for containment and collection The
wash mat system is used for irregular or unimproved
surfaces such as dirt, gravel or unimproved parking lots
to protect the property from ground water contamination.
This method enables us to have Trans-Clean personnel
drive our customers vehicles on to the wash mat and
provide a professional cleaning right at the customer�s

Wash Mat Containment System
Drain blocker system is a temporary cover that is
placed over the storm drains in the parking lot to
prevent vehicle wash water from entering during vehicle
the washing.

Our exclusive TEE� handle locking
system firmly secures the cover on the storm drain and
pulls the cover down tight with a reinforced spring
loaded locking mechanism. This method saves customers
from moving the vehicles and usually lets them be washed
right in their parking spots.
Lock-Tight TM Drain Blocker Keeps truck wash water
out of storm drains

Wash water collection and transportation
Trans-Clean collects vehicle wash water through our
truck-mounted system that was designed specifically for
our mobile wash industry. The vacuum will pick up twenty
gallons per minute continuously, which is more than four
times what a pressure wash system will put out. Safe,
dependable and proven technology to protect the
environment and your property.

As the wash water accumulates it is constantly being
reclaimed with our custom truck mounted MobilewashVac
vacuum system. It is then stored in our truck mounted
holding tanks for transportation to our state permitted
and licensed facility for legal disposal as required by
Federal and State law. Our New York and Connecticut
permits # (CT-130) for transportation and #
(CT-GVW000343) allow for discharge to our permitted
facility. The wash water is then treated and sent to our
local POTW for final treatment and discharge.

Wash water holding tanks
Learn about Connecticut Statutes regarding Connecticut
Washwater Disposal Laws
Please select the area for which you would like further
Give us
a call if you have
any questions.